genmai tea

Genmai Tea: 7 Amazing Benefits of Brown Rice Green Tea

What Is Genmai Tea?

Genmai tea, also known as Genmaicha or brown rice green tea, is a traditional Japanese beverage that blends green tea with roasted brown rice. This unique combination creates a nutty, toasted flavor that distinguishes it from regular green teas. This delightful drink has gained popularity around the world, not only for its rich taste but also for its numerous health benefits.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of genmai tea, its origins, how it’s made, and why you should consider incorporating it into your daily routine.

The Origins of Genmai Tea

The roots of genmai tea can be traced back to Japan, where it has been enjoyed for centuries. The term Genmaicha (玄米茶) translates to “brown rice tea.” Originally, this blend was a drink for the less affluent, as the addition of brown rice made it more affordable by reducing the amount of tea leaves used. Over time, however, it became a favorite among all social classes for its distinct taste and health properties.

The roasted brown rice in this blend adds a layer of complexity to the green tea, giving it a slightly sweet and savory flavor. Additionally, this combination makes the tea less bitter than other green teas, making it an excellent option for those who may find traditional varieties too strong.

How Is Genmai Tea Made?

The process of creating this tea involves two main ingredients: green tea leaves and roasted brown rice.

  1. Selection of Tea Leaves: The green tea leaves used are typically Sencha or Bancha. Sencha tea leaves are younger and higher in quality, offering a more vibrant flavor, while Bancha leaves come from the later harvest and have a milder, more earthy taste.
  2. Roasting the Brown Rice: Brown rice is soaked, steamed, and then roasted to enhance its nutty flavor. Traditional methods even include roasting the rice until it pops, creating a texture that can be seen floating in the tea when brewed.
  3. Blending: After roasting, the rice is blended with green tea leaves in varying proportions. The balance of rice to tea can differ, but the typical ratio is around 1:1. The resulting tea can be brewed in hot water and enjoyed as a refreshing, toasty beverage.

Genmaicha Tea Benefits

genmaicha tea benefits

One of the reasons this tea has become popular is its numerous health benefits. Combining green tea with the nutritional properties of brown rice creates a beverage rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can contribute to overall wellness. Here are some top benefits of drinking this tea:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

The blend contains a wealth of antioxidants, primarily from the green tea component. Antioxidants like catechins help neutralize free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The brown rice also contributes to the antioxidant content, though to a lesser degree.

2. Promotes Weight Loss

As with other green teas, this beverage is known to support weight loss efforts. Green tea contains a compound called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which has been shown to boost metabolism and increase fat oxidation. Drinking it may enhance the body’s ability to burn fat, making it an excellent addition to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

3. Aids Digestion

The roasted brown rice can have a soothing effect on the digestive system. The warm, nutty flavor of the tea is easy on the stomach and can help reduce bloating and indigestion. Additionally, the fiber content from the brown rice may contribute to better digestion and overall gut health.

4. Balances Blood Sugar Levels

Brown rice contains complex carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly by the body. Drinking this tea can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of spikes and crashes. This makes it a good choice for individuals managing diabetes or those looking to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.

5. Reduces Stress and Anxiety

The act of drinking tea itself can be calming, but this beverage offers specific benefits for reducing stress. The L-theanine in green tea promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness. This amino acid helps balance mood and alleviate feelings of anxiety, making it an excellent beverage for unwinding.

6. Supports Heart Health

brown rice green tea

The antioxidants found in the tea not only combat free radicals but also maintain heart health. Regular consumption has been linked to lower cholesterol levels and reduced blood pressure, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

7. Improves Cognitive Function

Drinking this tea may have cognitive benefits as well. The caffeine and L-theanine combination provides a balanced energy boost that can enhance focus and concentration without the jitters associated with coffee. Studies have shown that green tea consumption can improve memory and protect against cognitive decline as we age.

How to Brew Genmai Tea

Brewing genmai tea is a simple process that you can easily do at home. Here’s how:

  1. Boil Water: Heat water to about 80°C (176°F). It’s essential not to use boiling water, as it can scorch the delicate green tea leaves and make the tea taste bitter.
  2. Add Tea Leaves: Use one teaspoon of the blend per cup. Place the tea leaves in a teapot or tea infuser.
  3. Steep: Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let it steep for 2-3 minutes. You can adjust the steeping time depending on how strong you prefer your tea.
  4. Serve: Once steeped, strain the tea into a cup and enjoy. This beverage can be enjoyed hot or cold, and its unique flavor makes it perfect for any time of the day.

Genmai Tea vs. Other Green Teas

You might wonder how this beverage compares to other popular green teas, such as matcha or sencha. While all green teas offer health benefits, genmai tea stands out due to its combination with brown rice.

  • Matcha: Matcha is powdered green tea made from finely ground tea leaves, offering a more concentrated dose of antioxidants and caffeine. However, matcha can have a more intense flavor that some may find too strong.
  • Sencha: Sencha is the most common type of green tea in Japan, offering a grassy, slightly bitter taste. Compared to sencha, genmai tea has a more balanced, mellow flavor due to the nutty taste of the roasted brown rice.


Genmai tea, or brown rice green tea, offers a unique blend of taste and health benefits. From promoting weight loss to improving heart health, this delicious tea has much to offer. Whether you’re a tea enthusiast or new to the world of green tea, incorporating this beverage into your daily routine can provide both mental and physical benefits.

Try brewing a cup today and experience its distinctive flavor and health-boosting properties.

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